
You can establish a webhook that triggers whenever a content request is altered.

To set up your webhook, please get in touch with our support team and provide your desired endpoints for both your production- and test environment. The webhook is initiated as a PUT request sent to your specified webhook endpoint and transmits a JSON body (see format below). It is invoked both when a request is initially created and when its state is modified. For test requests, the state will transition to completed after approximately 10 seconds.

Callback format

The webhook format consists of a type property, together with more specific properties based on the kind of request it reports for. When it comes to content requests, the format is structured as follows:

  "type": "content-request",
  "request": ...content-request...

Please exercise added caution when handling incoming callbacks and ensure that the type is indeed labeled as content-request. It's important to perform this check because, in the future, there might be additional type values introduced for new API features.


For authentication, the webhook service will echo back the token you provide in the authorization header of your setup request. This will be the test token for test content requests and the prod token for non-test content requests.

  "headers": {
    "authorization": "Bearer TEST_OR_PROD_TOKEN"
  "body": ...callback format...

Please note, we only accept webhook endpoints that are secured via HTTPS. HTTP endpoints will not be accepted due to security concerns.

Failures, retries and guarantees

Please note that the order in which state changes are received by a webhook is not guaranteed. In cases where a webhook call is delayed or fails, it's possible that a change to a confirmed state may be received after a change to completed. To handle such situations, the request dates can provide valuable context, and any discrepancies or errors can be addressed through your regular synchronization process.